15 août 2012

Pattern : Island Ikat

A new pattern released today at TSR !

Don't you think we're seeing more ikat fabrics in decoration these days ? It's classic now in the same manner as a jacquard or a damask. So have fun in your interior with it !

(you may have to register, but it's free)

4 commentaires:

  1. Hello there! I wasn't sure of the best way to contact you, so I'm opting for a comment. Would you ever consider doing a tutorial on how you make your patterns? Or have you done one in the past? Your patterns always so crisp and clear! I've been trying to make some patterns and have started learning a bit about vectors and such, but I've yet to achieve making a pattern on par with others I have seen out there. Thanks!

    1. Hello,

      Hmm doing a tutorial ? I'd do it if I had the time...but I don't...
      But I may try to share the technic.

      Of course I use vectors.
      A tip I can give you is to work with a large size file in Photoshop.
      In Illustrator I use only a 256x256 size, but when I open the Ai. file in Photoshop to separate the masks channels, I open it at a larger size (by example 1000x1000), this way when I use the Magic wand tool by color range, it separates well the different channels I want they're crisper than if I'd work with a tiny size file. When it's done, I resize to 256x256 then save as a DDS file to use in TSR workshop.

      Oh and speaking about tutorials, the one made by Murano is a good one and it's pretty much the same technic I told you, so be sure to watch it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR9-F5YbMiA


    2. Thank you for the information!! I will certainly try working with larger file sizes, that's a good idea!

    3. Thank you for the information!! I will definitely try working with larger file sizes, that's a good idea!
